Connecting Language and Tech via Translation Technology

When it comes to translation, there are many daunting questions to ask: How will it be done? How fast can it be done? Why do I choose you over say Google Translate? Often times, the last question puts the human translator and machine translation at odds; however, there is no need to do so. With CAT Tools and related translation technology, the translator and technology can work together without being at odds with one another. The following materials are an example of this cooperation.

Translating after a Mishap: A Hypothetical Case Study

Disclaimer: The following work was a hypothetical project. Any and all translations, quotes, or documents therein were created to show practical use of CAT tools and what goes into translation services. No request for service was made for these documents nor are they legally binding

Translating requires you to be upfront and forthcoming about your abilities, pricing, and specifications. The documents below are an example of what my team and I created for a hypothetical translation project in which an intern deleted all Japanese translations of character biographies for the game Guilty Gear Strive.

The deliverables for this project are in the ZIP file below. It contains: a source document PDF, target document PDF, the TMX file used for the project, the Excel file containing the termbase used in the project, a style guide PDF, and finally a pseudo-translation PDF.

Takeaways and Lessons Learned

Regular Expressions: Adding CS Concepts to Language Tech

In computer science, regular expressions (regexes) are used to find text fitting a specific pattern. That way a document containing 10,000 words can easily be scanned for the specific words without the time it would take a person to individually do so. In CAT tools, specifically Trados, this can help in the translation process to find and replace differences between source and target, and also to eliminate any errors before they occur. Below is an example of 4 regexes created by my classmates and I for use in Trados, specifically when translating Japanese to English, Chinese to English, and vice-versa.
