Undergraduate and Graduate Coding Projects

In addition to coding this website, I have also coded a number of different projects in my undergraduate career. Three involved game design and creation, while the others were focused on app development, web development, and general coding.

Escape to Miami

For my Python class, I created a game with two other classmates called Escape to Miami, a text-based homage of Oregon Trail where the player has to travel from the headwaters of the Everglades (Shingle Creek) all the way to Miami. It involves random encounters, item management, conditionals that track HP, car condition, and car speed, and of course, win-loss conditions. I added the car condition, inventory, and random encounter generation/scripting.


In Software Engineering, my group created a game called H2OGo using the Godot engine. The game was a platformer involving a sentient water droplet named Droppy. I was in charge of damage and health as well as the game’s story and script.


This was a project where I implemented the firebase connector and register fragment for a cooking app. The app allowed you to add recipes, favorite recipes, and extract the data to be read to you more easily.

Graduate Projects

Below are several websites I’ve replicated using html, css, and javascript. All translation is machine translation but I hope to implement real translation when I have the time.

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